Monday, March 30, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 77° F @ 11:03 pm

Hello everyone this Mexican Internet sometimes it is very hard to upload pictures and get any service they make you pay 60 dollars a month but half the time it does not work.
Well 2 more weeks and we start to head home, I just can not believe it will be April the time has just gone by. But I guess with working on the Palapa it has kept us very busy.
We have been keeping in touch with the flooding I hope by the time we get to the border the flooding will be gone. And we will be able to cross atPembina. Also leaving Mexico we will take a different crossing the one we crossed at coming down is having a little problem so we will try another crossing.
Other wise things are good we will be spending our happy hours on the beach with the remaining people that are hear a lot of the people have already left for home.We will probably be the last to leave. April 13 will be the day we leave it will take us 5 days to get to the U.S. border, maybe 6 we will be taking a different route home.
Well I should let you go for now i hope to get some new pictures up today so check in later.
Thanks for looking in take care everyone.
Jane and Gordon

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 80° F @ 8:45 am

Hello everyone it has been a while since I have given you an up date. We have a new pet i have given you a picture of our new friend cute is he not. I also have given you a couple of pictures of the veiw from the Palapa and a veiw from the dive shop.To give you a better perspective of the Palapas I took a picture of a roof being done and the front of one I thought looked very nice finished. We finally got the trailer moved inRick had to hire a backhoe to move it because of the limited space to push it in to position the clearance on each side was 1 and a half inches it took 3 hours to move it in. Next we will renovate the trailer with a padio door and windows at each end.The tile is now done and it looks great.We went to a 50's party hear last friday had a great time Gordon and I closed the place down.Later on in the week we went in to find a Shanghi restaurant the food was very good the place was just a little hole in the wall but great food. And we also have a picture of Deana after a hard days work catching a few naps. Well all is going well a couple more weeks and we will be thinking about coming home.The weather there is getting nice I do hope all the snow is going to be gone.I think we will not be leaving now till the 15 of April.Apparently hear over Easter they have a hole week of celebrations and it gets pretty crazy travelling so we might just wait till it is over.Well I will let you go for now and again thanks for looking in.
Jane and Gordon

Monday, March 9, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 85F @ 11:30 pm

Hello everyone,how are you we are doing well enjoying our time away.Hope all is well with you,and it is March, getting closer to spring.The pictures are of the tile on the counter and the trailer that will be moved in to position today almost all the plumbing is done and they still have some electrical to do and they need to put the pipe in for the propane tank. That will be for the stove and the fridge.I have a picture of Gucci with her new toy a large coconut she loves playing with it.Today we have lots of cloud but very humid we could use the rain. As of tomorrow the tenth we have 1 more month and then we are on our way home every day goes faster and faster I can not believe it.
I also have another two pictures of different views from Rick and Dianna's Palapa.
Every evening we head down there with the dogs and sit and listen to the waves hit the shore and we have had a full moon these past couple of days so you can see the white cap's on the ocean it is so relaxing. We stay for a couple of hours and then head back and go to bed .The mornings are early we are up at 6 and in bed by 10. I think the heat and breeze make us very tired by the end of the day.Well I will let you go for now and every one thanks for looking in.

Paa Mul, Mexico 69F @ 8:O1 am

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 71F @ 9:20pm

Hello everyone,I hope all is well here are a few pictures of the Palapa in progress it is really moving along .In the next couple of days they will start to tile the bathroom and then the floor.The first picture here is the building of the ledge facing the ocean.And the next couple are of the kitchen and bathroom with the Glass blocks and round door and now the kitchen counter.
The next few are another tour to a little fishing village Puerto Moralos and we stayed long enough to have dinner at the Marina very nice.The shops in this little town had a lot of the people carving wood scuptures and I forgot to tell you where the cat is sleeping these are cat hanging beds cute. One of the ladys make these as well and lots of jewlery.
I finally got to go snorkling I loved it I did not think I could breath properley but I did not have a problam it is really incredible to be able to see all the beautiful fish the coral and the reefs very exciting.Well I will let you go for now and I hope all is well and thanks for looking in.
Jane and Gordon