Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Panama City Florida ......click on pictures

Tonight we are in Panama City, Florida walking through the white snow, oops I mean sand and spending money….We have now settled down for the evening it is now 10 o’clock it has been a busy day. As we head further south it gets a little warmer. Bonnie thanks for the comments it was nice to hear from you. Hope all is well with you and Eric please Say hello to Eric and everyone from us. Colleen it was funny to see Gucci with a face full of sand. Bear is doing well he has not ripped any more screens lately. Well tomorrow we will try and make Tallahassee. Gordon says hello to all as do I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning Jane and Gord, I tried you this morning at 7:15 am my time with no answer. Pictures look great. Still waiting for the X10 and will let you know when we receive it.