Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Canyon Lake, Mesa, Az..82F...10:30am....mst

The morning view................

Jane posting the blog..............

Jane picking grapefruits off our tree......

Brock and Louise's Mesa Regent Resort where we stayed....

Gord power shopping at the flea market in Mesa....

Jane and Louise yepping at flea market.....

Hello everyone we are in Mesa it is beautiful here we can not seem to go any further on our way. It is just that nice here. We are heading today to go to Canyon lake up in the mountain area it is suppose to be very beautiful we just have to watch for rattlesnakes and things. We certainly have seen a lot of beautiful places all along our travels. I am having a hard time getting Gordon to come home. Bonnie I can not even give you a time when we will be back with 85 degree weather it is very hard to leave.I hope all is well,I just reminded Gordon that his mothers birthday April 5 so we have to be back by then.Gordon says to tell Norm and Jean to leave there own comment.Ha Ha.Love to hear from them. Well every one it is time to get on the road again so we talk to you later. Miss you all take care.....We did not make it to Canyon Lake yet!

Brock in the ladies section.....


Colleen Allan said...

Tuesday, and a very nice day here. about time. A lot of snow melted today but we need a lot more to melt before the snow is gone. The snow in your back yard is up to my thighs and up to my knees in the front of your place. I don't know if your going to be home for Gords Mom's birthday. I doubt if the snow will be all gone before then. The horses are starting to need to be groomed seriously now. Barrel racing clinic this sat. We have to have a towel and pail by the door for the dogs now. Lots of work but a good sign. Easter break isn't until the first week in April. The Brier being held in Wpg. this week. Lots of people going to it. Our grade 6's went today along with a lot of other schools.Its too hot for me where you are, just right here now. Once the ice and snow goes it will be perfect for riding. Bill says hi to all. take care see you later, Colleen

Anonymous said...

Seems like you're having a good time. Nice pictures can't believe how close you where to the grapefruit tree can't get much fresher than that! Gord says you won't be coming back till the snow's all gone,the snow is melting at an incredible speed and the forecast for tomorow is rain. It's melting so quick you might be home sooner than you think. Wrinkles and Teaka miss Bear and Gucci&we miss all of you. Love from all of us. Darryl and Nicky

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane, Gord and the Puppies. All is well at the home front. Unbelievable pictures. The grapefruit tree is amazing. Soooo close, Jane it must taste really good. I love grapefruits. The snow is finally melting (slowly-but melting). I'm pretty sure that it will be hear in April yet. Ron has arrived home from his trip (very dark). Me and the girls do not want to stand by him. We look like a white sheet (he he he). Looking forward to seeing you guys soon. Gord keep driving safe and we shall talk soon. Love Ron, Nina, Katrina and Kayla. :o)

Anonymous said...

Your sister Pat says.....STAY WHERE YOU ARE !!! I just got home from Wpg after 10 days and the snow is 5ft high and the winds are NASTY!! It is so good to be home in the Okanagan where I can enjoy the sounds of Spring and the trees and plants budding. The tulips are up three inches. April is too soon, believe me and stay and enjoy. Talk to you soon. Greg and Pat

Todd said...

Hi Gord & Jane

Snow is not melting fast MONKEY CRAP Darryl! Hello stat out there as long as you can!!Apr5/08 depends on what calander.HA!HA!
I miss you both,but dam it enjoy.you both to many hours in your lives to worry.Hi EVERYONE blogging Partialy Warm Toddy