Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Chestermere Lake, Calgary, AB....55F.....9:30am..MST

We are now in Chestermere Lake after a white drive through the Rodgers Pass yesterday, if you think you have snow take a look at these pictures.....


Colleen Allan said...

Happy Birthday wishes to you Gord from us Allan's. There is lots of snow in those pictures of yours. In about a week our snow should be gone. You'll have to shovel if you come home before that. As much as i want you home it would be nice to have no snow or shovel any snow.

Anonymous said...

Turn around and come back to Vernon....it's going to be 20% above on the weekend. The house next door is for sale and is calling your name. Also...the midnight wanderers are asking for you !!! How will we ever know where and what they are doing. Drive Safely !! Greg and Pat
PS.... Bailli continues to look for Gucci !!