Saturday, February 7, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 73F @ 6:-10pm

Hello everyone,the days are flying by, we went to Cancun and drove down the coast, the water was incredible these pictures do not even bring out the caribbian colors of the water.You just can not stop looking at the beautiful color so I thought I would share these pictures with you.
Then we drove into the Hotel zone there are so many hotels you can not even see the water unless you are staying in one of them. These pictures of the water are before we get to the Zone.
The Palapa that we are working on is really moving along, the pictures are of the plumbing being finshed up, for the floor to be done on Monday,they do not work on Sundays it is there family day so we also will be taking a day and we are going to lay on the beach, and enjoy the day.
We had lunch at a place in one of the Malls when we were in Cancun on the water it was nice.
I hope all is well with everyone, thanks for looking in and take care.
Gordon and Jane

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello you all, nice pictures. Gord looks at home especially working with the guys in plumbing, cement, etc.etc. Its a good thing Gord is there then it will be done correctly. Have you gone in the water yet? You never mention going for a swim, is it safe or not?It was so nice today people were walking around in short sleeves, not me but some were. A lot melted today, its yucky outside and car washes are full and busy. Take care, glad to hear from you. talk to you later, Colleen