Sunday, January 24, 2010



horse colleen said...

Hello all, everyone looks tanned and happy. Restaurants looks clean and the food um interesting. Especially that last item on Gords plate, whatever that was. We have had rain mostly all day. Hwy 202 was closed by Lorraines as there was 2 cars drove off the road and into the middle of the ditches. The fire truck parked across the road to close it off. The highway is pure ice. The city's main streets aren't to bad but you get out on the highways and lookout.Its just to warm here. Hwy 202 was on the 6:00 news tonight. Glad your weather is a
bit better than ours.
Take care, have fun and talk to you later. Colleen

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time.
Got your tire fixed.
Looks like the food is good.
We are having April weather. Plus 3 to day again. Tomorrow is a change,Col. low coming.
enjoy. Nice to know your still alive.
take care