Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hello Everyone!
We had a great day in Tucson today. A little sunshine a little shopping and Gord ate at a couple of Buffets. He's still full....All Todd's fault???
On our way to Mesa for a couple of days tomorrow and then back to Yuma to see our favourite cousin Cindy! We hope you are all keeping warm and we'll talk to you soon. Bye for now, Gord, Jane, Greg and Pat.


Unknown said...

I hope you are not freezing yet!!Colin tells me it went down to 52F recently.Coldest he has ever seen!!
Arlene and I grumble when it drops below 70F at night here....HA!~

Have fun but don't eat too buffets!!

Anonymous said...

I see your little car made the trip.
have fun.