Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello everyone hope all is well, I hear there is no snow that is wonderful and the weather is great.
We are keeping busy every day we have something on the go. The time is passing we stopped in at one of the golf courses here called Mayacoba it is one of the popular here. All the PGA are held there it is really beautiful.
We took a drive into Cancun with Rick and Deanna to pick up some things at Home depot as you can see by the pictures we use the tracker for a truck. While we were there we took in lunch at the Parilla it was a really nice Mexican food restaurant.On the way out heading for Paa mul we stopped for drinks at this beautiful restaurant by the water very nice.
That evening we were invited out for dinner at another couples place Guy and Rosemary;s Palapa very nice they had it built last year the same time as Rick's. I took a couple of pictures of there back yard they had a door painted and put in the jungle Rose said it is a door entering into the jungle. We have happy hour at Rick and Deanna's every Monday , their is usually around 8-10 of us.
I made rice krispie squares the other day and Gordon needed to take a picture of course.
Well i should let you go for now we are going to down to Rick and Deanna's for coffee. Have a great day every one and take care.
Love Jane Gordon and Gucci


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