Friday, February 29, 2008

El Paso Texas 72 degrees at 10:15 pm

Hello everyone we are sitting in the Mission RV park at El Paso. We stayed last night at Fort Stockton half way between San Antonio and El Paso. Last night we met a really nice couple that lives in Alberta. We had a really nice visit,and lots to talk about all the places they have been as well as the places we have been. Tomorrow we are heading for New Mexico.The country there is suppose to be hot and beautiful. We really do have a road plan we just drive and stop where ever we feel like stopping.
Nina I am getting a little home sick as we start to head west, I hope you are feeling a lot better you never get that sick for such a long time.So far Gordon and I have not been ill we cross our fingers. I am having a cup of tea with GM in it I will have another one for you. Say hello to the family.
Colleen how are you, I can not believe you can not get in and the key just keep,s turning my plants will not survive. Oh well, I can not bring live plants across the border so if they all die I definitely will not get any more plants just fake ones. You take care.
Well the pictures tell you that we are enjoying our time away and we seem to just miss the rain that Florida and Texas are getting now, we seem to stay ahead of it.We have met a lot of really nice people from all over the country,well I will let you go and we will try not to let to many days go by again. Gordon says hello to all take care everyone.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

San Antonio, Tx.....62F........9:30pm,,,cst

Sorry for the delay to all, we have been in Mercedes, Tx. and Progresso Mexico since Friday the 22nd with Alex and John. We left Monday afternoon afer Pepe's and stayed in Rio Grande City overnight where it was 100F We had the generator running day and night with the air conditoners on. The next day we went to Larado Tx. and nearly got the motorhome stuck between two buildings the streets were so narrow. We arrived in San Antonio yesterday the 26th. We visited the Alamo and did the river walk as well. Today we filled the fuel tank at $3.35 a gallon for a total of $357 and now we are good for another 1200 miles. Jane wanted some pull down shades for the front windows so we went to Home Depot and purchased them and spent the day installing them as well as a lot of other things. Tomorrow we are off to Elpaso.
We cannot load the pictures for some reason will try again in the morning

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Brownsville, Tx......82F....10:45PM....

We spent the day in Brownsville Texas and Matamoros Mexico the border town. Tomorrow we will be back in Mercedes, Tx.

.................................Our cab driver Hosea or Hoseb I'm not sure!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Houston, Tx......73F.....2:45pm..cst

Jane talking to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kennedy at the Texas welcome center.....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

LaFayette, La......55F....9:am....cst

........An ET Exclusive with G.I.Jane

..........An ET exclusive with G.I.Jane

Monday, February 18, 2008

Good Morning Canada..New Orleans..55F..7am

Good morning to all, it's breakie time, I'll be back....with the morning view...
Murray Gord has to drive so I am typeing. Marsha I was waiting for you on skype last night until I read the comments, when you get your computor back we will chat.
Colleen your question about skype you need a microphone,and a camera.Then follow the instructions on Skype. As we head west the weather starts to get warmer I think we left Alalbama just in time they just got hit by a tornado we just seem to miss them, thats a good thing.
Julie its getting close to holiday have a good time.Well bye for now every one talk to you later.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

New Orleans.....71F.....7pm....cst

We have been in New Orleans today on Canal and Bourbon St. what a busy city with still lots of destruction and almost three years.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Biloxi, Mississippi....62F...10:00am..cst

...............................Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi
.................................Frigginn long underwater tunnel

..................................Welcome to Mississippi

...............................Lunch at the rest stop afer entering Mississippi

We stayed over Friday night in Harrah's Casino in Biloxi on our way to New Orleans. The veiw from our window again is spectactular as always, wish you were here to see it live! More to come when we get to New Orleans....
Welcome to Alabama should be first....Florida....Alabama......Mississippi......Louisiana...Texas

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Gucci's Valentines Day Birthday In Destin, Fla.

Darryl calls while driving over 25 mile bridge to check on Gucci......

A short video of Gucci's Birthday Party and a video of the beach in front of our coach in the Camping On The Gulf RV Resort...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Panama City Beach....68F......12:30pm...cst

We spent the night in Panama city beach and we are now on our way west to Gulf Breeze. More to come when we arrive....
We have arrived at Camping on the Gulf in Dustin florida and we were able to get the third row off the beach....just awesome, pictures to follow. Check out

Monday, February 11, 2008

Tallahassee, Fla. 47F....8:30am est

  • We are back in Tallahassee, try and spell that, and headed to Panama City later. Yesterday morning we heard the Geese flying overhead back to the north, I warned them about the -50, but they didn't seem to care. Yes they will find out! We are going back down south on the Gulf of Mexico and back to the ocean.South carolina was beautiful with all there golf courses and resorts, and Savannah was very historic but the weather just is not as warm,for me that is, I am really getting spoiled by the warm weather. Guy and Monique I know you will enjoy the warmer weather after being in the deep freeze, I can not remember it being so cold for so long in Winnipeg, mostly a 2 week spell and that is it, enjoy your holiday. Colleen I am glad it is warming up it is hard to enjoy the company of our animal friends in the winter when it gets that cold. You know I used to spend hours at the barn with the horses and dogs and do not for get Princess my kitty.It could get down to -20 and it was not bad. I do miss it,it was something I really enjoyed. Say hello to Lorraine for me and take care.Well we need to get on the road so I will say goodbye for now take care every one, keep well. Gordon says hello to everyone keep those comments coming we really enjoy keeping in touch. Darryl and Nicki the dogs are sure enjoying being outside and getting all these walks and P.S. wish you could be here to enjoy the warmth. Jane

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Waycross, Georgia.....76F...6:30PM...est

Too cold in South Carolina, can you imagine it was 45F. last night,,,,,burrrrr, we have turned around and headed south again and we just arrived in Waycross, Ga. We spent the afternoon in Savannah and had lunch at Corleone's...the Godfather...Yes Nicki we haven't forgot Gucci's birthday and we are inviting everyone to attend the party in Corpus Christi at the Holiday Inn for the event......and rewatch the pictures and videos again and that will warm you up.....better yet imagine me giving you a big hug!!!!
Murray, that veiw was nothing , you should have seen the puppies on the beach!!!!

Nina, I can't believe Ron did that again, I told him when you bought the house to insulate those pipes.......Tell him you and the girls are checking into the Fairmont next time that happens.....

OK Julie no more beaches just pictures of histoic Savannah and some babe......Hey Rob where did you get all those animals from? and who thinks up all the names......We are glad you guys are getting away, we will meet you there, we already have our tans.....

Colleen we have seen lots of crocs, we drove through the Everglades and the crocs are laying on the side of the road like frogs, they are everywhere...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.....68F...8:00pm est

Last night Savannah Georgia......Tonight we are in a beautiful RV park in Hilton Head Harbor RV Resort and Marina in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. More to come in the morning.......

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Jacksonville, Fla.....75F....10am est

Hello everyone,just another day at beach. The beaches have been beautiful all the way around Florida. We are now in Jacksonville this is a picture of the beach 8 oclock in the morning. We are heading for Georgia today to a city called Savana. Walter it was nice to here from you hope all is well we are enjoying the warm weather.And Gordon loves the water we have to stop at every beach along the way. Darrl and Nicki really nice that you keep in touch the dogs are enjoying the warm weather, if they were at home they would be in the house. It is a little warm for bear he pants all the time,and then again so dose Guggi. They have never had so many walks especially in the ocean. Guggi loves the water when we are down there. Take care and say hello to everyone for us. Colleen I always look for a message from you, you are our regular comment girl love to here from you. Hope all is well with your family and pets.You have to get on to skype so we can talk send me a comment when you do. How are things at the house is there much snow to step threw to get to the house?. How are the plants making out?Hope every thing is okay say hello to the family for me. Todd hopefully there is only 1 more month of cold weather there. It is nice here in Forida you would love it here. take care and keep those comments coming.Marsha we have been on skype every evening this week we have been lucky. Try us tonight. Bonnie on Shalom how are you and Eric hope all is well. Bonnie at city bread we stopped to see Ryan in Orlando and we had dinner with him it was really nice to meet his new wife and new home.Well I should let you go for now. Julie how are you have not herd, how are you and the girls hope all is well say hello asked. Goodbye for now everone talk to you soon. Gordon says hello to all.

Monday, February 4, 2008

St. Augustine Beach....74F...12:30..est

"Another Beautiful Sunny Day" in Florida, the tans are getting better, and we are stopping for lunch in St. Augustine Beach with more to come later....If you Google St. Augustine Beach you will see where we are just south of Jacksonville....

Nice toews eh!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Disneyworld ....Daytona Beach.....83F...

Hooter's keep the beer at 22F, ice cold......

We have bee in DisneyWorld up to last night and now we are in Daytona Beach today. We are just relaxing and resting our feet. Colleen you can talk to us by downloading SKYPE at www.