Wednesday, February 27, 2008

San Antonio, Tx.....62F........9:30pm,,,cst

Sorry for the delay to all, we have been in Mercedes, Tx. and Progresso Mexico since Friday the 22nd with Alex and John. We left Monday afternoon afer Pepe's and stayed in Rio Grande City overnight where it was 100F We had the generator running day and night with the air conditoners on. The next day we went to Larado Tx. and nearly got the motorhome stuck between two buildings the streets were so narrow. We arrived in San Antonio yesterday the 26th. We visited the Alamo and did the river walk as well. Today we filled the fuel tank at $3.35 a gallon for a total of $357 and now we are good for another 1200 miles. Jane wanted some pull down shades for the front windows so we went to Home Depot and purchased them and spent the day installing them as well as a lot of other things. Tomorrow we are off to Elpaso.
We cannot load the pictures for some reason will try again in the morning


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I'am glad all is well. I was getting a little concerned. You guys are so good with posting every couple of days. All is well here, weather is holding out quite well @ minus single digits (about time).Again, love the videos. Talk soon. Loe Ron, Nina, Katrina and Kayla o:)

Colleen Allan said...

Hello to you. Glad you are ok. was getting a little worried as we didn't hear from you. Jane are you warm enough? How are the dogs in the heat? Our gas went up too. Anywhere from $1.10 - $1.14. It cost me over $90.00 to fill the van so $300 and some to fill you motor home isn't to bad. Good pictures and videos. Jane, don't forget to bring home some plants... Talk to you later, Colleen