Saturday, March 22, 2008

Las Vegas, Nevada ....75F...10:30pm.....pst

Hi everyone, We drove through Hoover Dam what an awesome experience the size is incredible. Just to see the amount of water it is holding back, amazing. There was of course homeland security check 9 miles prior to getting to the dam. The wait was not to bad and they did not search the bus just came into the bus looked around and then let us go. After hoover dam we headed to Las Vegas. There was an R.V. park at Circus Circus so we are going to spend a few days there.We decided to walk Las Vegas Blvd.We started on the south side where the Stratosphere is the high Needle like Toronto we went to the top what an amazing experience looking down over Las Vegas . Then we went up further up to the lounge and had a drink they were 10 dollars a drink we both had a different kind of Martini. It was starting to get dark and we watched the sunset an when all the lights came on it was incredible from being so high up.Sunday we left at 11:30 in the morning and did 10.62 miles, by the time we got back it was 9:30 in the evening we went into every hotel and casino on the strip. We watched the water show the pirate ship sinking, went on the monorail, had lunch and dinner in really neat restaurants. Buy the time we got back our feet were so sore.And of course the puppy's needed to get out. They were very comfortable with the air conditioning on water and food. These pictures will just give you an idea of some of the places.
Hi Colleen our ears did pop a little being 7000 feet up in the mountains We are kind of on our way home. Still so nice and warm here.
Nina one day you have to make this trip to see how beautiful all these places are.
Heather Post card is on the way.
Well everyone we will say good bye for now hope to see you soon.


Colleen Allan said...

Hello to you. Awesome pictures.Gord you are a little close to the edge in some of them.Im glad you had a good hold on the dogs up that high. Did the altitude hurt your ears and how did you get down from way up there? Good thing hights don't bother you Gord. Talk to you later, take care and drive carefully, Colleen

Heather B. said...

Hello Gord & Jane. Fabulous pictures of the Grand Canyon. Wish I was there. Hurry home....Kayla and I are going to the beach this Sunday! Just kidding. Finally got together with Ron & Nina and saw all their post-cards. Send me one too - 8455 Roblin Blvd. Headingley MB R4J 1B3
Miss you but so glad you are having the trip of a lifetime.
Take Care - Heather & Brad

Anonymous said...

Hello Jane, Gord and the puppies. Amazing pictures of the Grand Canyon. I did wish that I was there. The videos are great. Hopefully soon we will be able to get together for our beach outings on Sundays, he he he, NOT YET. Today we have blowing and and might be mixed with rain. Not fun. We'll talk later, and be carefull driving Gord, some of those roads look reeeeeeeeeeeealy scary. Love Ron, Nina, Katrina and Kayla