Thursday, April 10, 2008

Regina, SK. 7:00.....45F....MST.....buurrrr

Hello everyone,we are in Regina this evening, and tomorrow more relatives on my mothers side in Grenfell 75 miles east of Regina we will stay 1 day and then finally home. I am looking forward to seeing home again. Bonnie our friend Darryl drove by and phoned and told us almost no snow in the driveway so Gordon says it is time to come back. Colleen I do not mind wearing a coat but I do miss the warm weather but our spring and summers are nice, I will see you soon. The Patenaude family It is nice to be back and we will be home Sunday I hope miss you all see you soon.

1 comment:

Colleen Allan said...

That's so exciting to hear you'll be home soon, I can hardly wait. Its been a long time. Good timing though. Its suppose to be 23 on Monday and the weekend suppose to be fairly nice. Of course for us who have been here all winter 8, 14 is quite nice. Well its Friday, yeh, the weekend. Talk to you Sunday, bye for now, Colleen