Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hello everyone all is well here.I watch CKY news every night with the neighbours Star choice so we keep up to date with Winnipeg weather and news .I can not beleive the weather.
We are very busy these days with helping our friends with there new winter getaway.
When it is finished it will be very nice,as you can see it is really coming along. they plan to finish all the walls by Sat, I must tell you these Mexican people work very hard 10 hour days and to work in the heat, is amazing.It has been incredibly humid and hot I have even been keeping the dogs in the air conditioned bus during the hottest part of the day.My old dog Bear, it gets pretty hot for him.
Some of the pictures I have put in are of the progress they are making of the Palapa.And the palm tree picture is looking in different direction from the front yard of the Palapa.And I took a picture of an iquana that lives on the stone wall just inside the yard.When we sit there it walks up and down the stone wall.
Well I hope all is well with every one, and thanks again for looking in. Take care everyone.
Jane and Gordon


Anonymous said...

Hi - Please read your regular email account. Mal

Anonymous said...

Hello to you, how is it going? The building is coming along. What are they making with all the cement blocks?(besides a wall!) Pictures are really beautiful and the water looks so clear.Nice day today. Bill and I just got back from Springs and now he is changing the oil in our 3 vehicles and 2 vehicles of Gramps. Kaitlin is going a video on Masters from Springs and it will go out world wide, kind of exciting I think. She is so photogenic, to bad I'm not..Then she is working at Starbucks this afternoon.Did you have a good valentines day? It was fun here. Take care talk to you later, Colleen,Bill&Kaitlin

Anonymous said...

Hi again - seems you regular email is not working. Can we meet on Tuesday the 24th or Wednesday the 25th? Pick a spot and time in Playa and we will be there. I'll keep checking your blog for your answer.