Wednesday, February 3, 2010

MAZATLAN, MX @ 7:27 PM @ 83F

Hello everyone we are finally on the mainland.We had a great trip crossing the Sea of Cortez on the Baha Ferrie,we left around 3 pm and got to the mainland around 9pm .It was a good trip and the dogs were left on the coach on the top deck of the ferrie for about 9 hours.We were not aloud to stay on the coach with them.We went to the top deck where they had a lounge and a resterant. We watched a beautiful sunset from the back of the ferrie.. When we arrived on the mainland we had to try and fined a place to park for the night. We ended up parked at a pemex station overnight we did not want to continue in the dark they tell you not to drive at night.
Well the next day we headed out to Mazetland and we are going to stay here for a couple of days, it sure has changed from the time we were here in 1977. Well I will let you go for now and I hope all is well at home. We are all doing good and we wish you all a good evening and we will catch up with you again soon.
All our love Jane Gordon Pat and Gregg,Gucci and Bailie
P.S.As you can see by the pictures of the tire we had a nother flat 125 miles before Mazetland it souned like a loud gun shot fire.It definiteley scared us all if it was not for Gordons driving I do not know what would have happened. We drove very slow for the next hundred miles and limped our way into Mazetland.

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