Thursday, March 11, 2010

Paa Mul, Mexico 88F @ 8:30 AM CST

Hello everyone we are here in Paa Mul. This is where we were last year, helping our friends Rick and Deanna with there new winter home.
We will spend the remaining of our trip here with them. The past few blog pictures we put up, are of the ruins that are the most famous here for there beauty in Mexico. And a few pictures before that of the trip into the mountains as we headed from Salina Cruz ,and had our last veiw of the ocean as we headed into the interior of Mexico. We have been staying in our safe stops overnight at the Pemex gas stations, they do allow you to stay overnight on there lots which is great because there is no other place to stay in the small towns that we encountered as we headed across. When you leave the ocean you start to get into some pretty beautiful country. The Sierra Madre Mountains are just like the rockies in size. But these are jungle with monkeys,and parrots, not spuce all the way up. If you checked out the last few Blogs that I did not write about you will see them. We actually were up 9,000 feet above sea level and the night got down to 60. The people are Myan decent, they dress and speak a little different than we were used to.And they are all short in size.
Well I hope you enjoyed our trip across Mexico. We will be staying here for another Month and a half and we will be seeing the sights here so keep checking us out. Thanks to all for looking in on our adventures they have been hair raising at times but fun. Especially in the mountains.
Well I will let you go for now and everyone take care.
Love Jane,Gordon, and of course Gucci

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