Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hello everyone, we sure have had a busy few days our neighbours the Manns were here on spring break with the family. We had them visit Paa mul and they decided to take a scuba diving certification it took four days but they did it. All of them are now certified divers. We also celebrated Gordon's birthday in Playa with dinner last night. We had a real nice 5 day visit.
I also took some pictures of the front steps at Rick and Deanna's place it really is coming along .Well I am sorry to Say this will be our last Blog till we reach the USA. We are planning to leave 0n the 15 but our 1 month internet service ends tomorrow and we decided not to purchase another month with such a short few days we will be using it.When we do reach the USA which will take about 5 days from the 15, if all goes well on our travels and the rigs have no problems. We should reach the border around the 19. I hope you have enjoyed visiting our Blog and thanks for looking in if you have.Hopefully we will have a nother Blog to give you when we return to the border. We will be staying a couple of days in Texas and we will update you on our adventures going to the USA from Paa mul.Thanks again everyone and I hope all is well. Talk to you in a couple of weeks.
Love to all of you Jane Gordon and Gucci.
Take care

1 comment:

southern gypsy said...

Hi Jane and Gord, just a note to let you know we haven't forgotten you, hope your travelling is on schedule, looking forward to hearing that you're back!! Take good care, talk to you soon, Cindy