Sunday, January 25, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 69F @ 8am


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane, Gord, Gucci & Bear!
Your pics look fabulous & no doubt you are having a great time & seeing so many different things! We've had a mixed bag of weather here, bone chilling cold, wind chill - but sure you already know & don't even want to hear it! LOL! Hope the trip down went well. The snow fall this year has had us out on snowmobiles since Boxing Day every weekend, so winter has been more bearable! We're trying different trail systems every time to keep things interesting. We nearly crapped our pants last weekend - a homeowner with a trail right behind his house near Southbeach Casino has placed a stuffed Coyote JUST as you round a sharp corner - and posed like he's coming out onto the trail. Thank God we didn't drive this one at night, it would have been heart attacks all around! Everyone else is doing good new excitement there. Will email you Jane now that I know you are checking once in a while. Take care you guys. Save some sun & fun for the rest of us!