Monday, January 19, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico

Hello everyone,hope all is well. Sorry for not keeping you up to date. We have been keeping very busy I just can not beleive how fast the time is going.
The pictures are some of the places we have been and the beaches we visit. And the transportation we are using. The beaches are beautiful and the sand is like white powder, the water is 3 shades of blue.
All is good and the dogs are having fun to just a little hot for them.The couple we have travelled with,have purchased this beautiful paplapa on the ocean, in the next few weeks he will be doing a little work on it and we will be helping him.
Gordon and I like to keep busy,we have also visited Playa Del Carmen a few times and Cancun.
We are 25 minutes from Playa and 55 miniutes from Cancun. We also have been a lot of sight seeing lots to do hear,we are up at 7 in the morning every day.
I hope all is well with every one and please send me some comments hope to hear from you. And I do have my e-mail if you want to send anything.Well i will let you go for now and keep well
Jane and Gordon
Thanks for looking in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello to all, Glad to hear all is well. It sure looks beautiful there. Nice car your driving, have the dogs road in it yet? I can just see Gucci with her sun glasses on in the front seat. That would be a picture. The place looks interesting, is that like a hacienda?Time is passing very fast. We have had the most beautiful weather here. Great for skating or riding or just being out with the dogs. Jane, I met with Shelley and Mom today for lunch as they were in to the doctors. They said to say Hello and be safe. Well I wanted to take a picture with my new camera. Do you think I could turn it on? no.So I show Kaitlin tonight and she takes it and it turns on right away. Turns out all I had to do when turning it on is hold the on button for a few seconds instead of just touching it. Duh!!I just love all this technology!!! Any way just thought you would get a laugh from this, I sure did. So take care, have fun and talk to you soon. Love Colleen