Friday, February 29, 2008

El Paso Texas 72 degrees at 10:15 pm

Hello everyone we are sitting in the Mission RV park at El Paso. We stayed last night at Fort Stockton half way between San Antonio and El Paso. Last night we met a really nice couple that lives in Alberta. We had a really nice visit,and lots to talk about all the places they have been as well as the places we have been. Tomorrow we are heading for New Mexico.The country there is suppose to be hot and beautiful. We really do have a road plan we just drive and stop where ever we feel like stopping.
Nina I am getting a little home sick as we start to head west, I hope you are feeling a lot better you never get that sick for such a long time.So far Gordon and I have not been ill we cross our fingers. I am having a cup of tea with GM in it I will have another one for you. Say hello to the family.
Colleen how are you, I can not believe you can not get in and the key just keep,s turning my plants will not survive. Oh well, I can not bring live plants across the border so if they all die I definitely will not get any more plants just fake ones. You take care.
Well the pictures tell you that we are enjoying our time away and we seem to just miss the rain that Florida and Texas are getting now, we seem to stay ahead of it.We have met a lot of really nice people from all over the country,well I will let you go and we will try not to let to many days go by again. Gordon says hello to all take care everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New Mexico is supposed to have great deals on property according to Ali. You may have to sell the bus and buy. Pat says if you go to Sams or a good electronic store,and get the time and inclination, she would like you to buy us a very nice laptop computer for $800-1000.
Keep on keeping on.
Talk to you on skype soon.
Greg (the bachelor). Apparently everything is going well in Winnipeg.