Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Jacksonville, Fla.....75F....10am est

Hello everyone,just another day at beach. The beaches have been beautiful all the way around Florida. We are now in Jacksonville this is a picture of the beach 8 oclock in the morning. We are heading for Georgia today to a city called Savana. Walter it was nice to here from you hope all is well we are enjoying the warm weather.And Gordon loves the water we have to stop at every beach along the way. Darrl and Nicki really nice that you keep in touch the dogs are enjoying the warm weather, if they were at home they would be in the house. It is a little warm for bear he pants all the time,and then again so dose Guggi. They have never had so many walks especially in the ocean. Guggi loves the water when we are down there. Take care and say hello to everyone for us. Colleen I always look for a message from you, you are our regular comment girl love to here from you. Hope all is well with your family and pets.You have to get on to skype so we can talk send me a comment when you do. How are things at the house is there much snow to step threw to get to the house?. How are the plants making out?Hope every thing is okay say hello to the family for me. Todd hopefully there is only 1 more month of cold weather there. It is nice here in Forida you would love it here. take care and keep those comments coming.Marsha we have been on skype every evening this week we have been lucky. Try us tonight. Bonnie on Shalom how are you and Eric hope all is well. Bonnie at city bread we stopped to see Ryan in Orlando and we had dinner with him it was really nice to meet his new wife and new home.Well I should let you go for now. Julie how are you have not herd, how are you and the girls hope all is well say hello asked. Goodbye for now everone talk to you soon. Gordon says hello to all.


Colleen Allan said...

Hello you two, Lovely morning on the beach.Never quite the same thing on each beach. I'm happy your enjoying yourselves. Cold and snow around here, same old. Its too cold for the plants..You might have to start fresh so bring some home with you. A SUV went over the bridge on the Perimeter
yesterday and landed on the river. With the snow built up it made a ramp for the suv. Wild. Its been very slippery here, a few sprinkles of snow then ice, ice, ice. By March I'll want it all gone.Bill is working overtime and chopping lots of wood, Kaitlin is selling lots of clothes and working hard at school. Tammy looks at the picture of Bear and Gucci at the beach and whines. I think she misses them, I do. If you talk to Marsha get her to phone me, ok. Colleen

Anonymous said...

Hello you guys, the beaches sound very heavenly. As Colleen said, it is cold here, hopefully the weather will improve by the end of February and we can look forward to warmer weather. It is so cold that our well froze yesterday and the pump went too. So needless to say we have been without water since yesterday. Hopefully the water will start running this evening. Got to go, still working. Hugs and kisses to you guys from Ron, Nina, Katrina and Kayla.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane & Gordon
Been Following your trip. eric is fine and has gone back to work today. Getting a little jealous looking at your blog when I am at work. Wish I was there. Everything is fine on shalom Path. Weather is changing today getting warmer. Sun is out.
Have Fun
Bonnie R.