Sunday, March 16, 2008

Canyon Lake, Tortilla Flats, and Scottsdale, Az.

Hi to all, we are having a hard time uploading pictures, but we are still trying. These passed few days we have been up in the mountains at the State and National Parks. First we stayed at Canyon Lake State Park with lakefront site, we did lots of hiking with the dogs and met a real nice couple, Gwen and Milt from Wells Minnesota, who told us about another campground further up the mountain. The roads up to these parks were incredible very narrow for the size of bus we were driving. the next park was called Tortilla Flats National Park. When we get the pictures to you, you will see how beautiful the dessert was. they had a lot of rain this spring so the dessert turned green and a lot of cactus flowers were in bloom. We stayed 4 days, we did not have any phone service or T.V. or Internet very isolated and no services.Tortilla flats did have a small store and a outside bar with a real live band as you will hear in one of the videos, it was really a lot of fun. It was a good walk from the bus down to the little town. we had a great time with the new friends we made at Canyon Lake. we are now back in Mesa and I think we will start to head back to Canada via Grand Canyon, Las Vegas. and then up the coast to Vernon to visit Gordon's sister and hubby.
Todd we are really enjoying our time away, and I do hope most of the snow is gone when we get home.But I really am getting a little home sick, But not Gordon if it was not for me he would not come home.You take care.
Nicki and Darryl, Gucci is getting more exercise than she gets at home and no one can believe Bear will be 14 in June he is doing so well, we did find a couple of ticks on the dogs and 1 on Gordon and 1 on me I could not believe it I did get them of before they got big, take care.
Nina, Ron always gets black when he goes away at least he gets a rest from the stress of the job
I hope all is good with you and hope to be back by April , but I do not think so take care .
Colleen I have not seen to many trailers for sail here 4 horse mostly. I am glad you have some one to ride with ,I do miss the times we had. You take care and hope to see you soon.
Jane forgot to mention the car show in to follow soon I hope, too many people on blog spot tonight...........

Gucci at the outdoor bar with shades and hat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gord and Jane,

From your last pictures I can see why Gordon does not want to come back to quikly. The desert is beautiful. Everything is good here. Have a Happy Easter
Bonnie R