Saturday, March 1, 2008

Las Cruces, New Mexico......5:45pm....93F

New Mexico Welcome Center

We have arrived in Las Cruces, New Mexico after visiting Juarez, Mexico.Very busy place lots of shops to choose from but very similar to all the border crossings that we have ventured into. they all have border guards now because the drugs are being smuggled across by unsuspecting tourists.they drop the drugs in there parcels.


Colleen Allan said...

Hello Guys, Nice pictures. Good one of you and Gord. Hey who is Gords new friend? It looks beautiful by the water but you look so serious. Its time to come home(not before the snow melts). I'll let you know when the snow is gone. Tiffany, Diane and I are discussing what horse shows we are entering this summer and what we have to do to get ready for them. It should be a good laugh. Talk to you later, by Colleen

Colleen Allan said...

Hey you two be careful. I hear there is some trouble with bandits raiding tourists on the road. Thanks for the post card. Now I can actually see where you have been. Really warm today but windy. Take care Colleen