Friday, April 4, 2008

Vernon, BC.....45F.....9:50AM....PST

Hello everyone we are enjoying our visit with Gordons sister. They drove us up to Silver Star mountain today,there are still lots of people snow boarding and skiing. There is still snow higher than the car on the side of the roads.Colleen there is lots of Horses in and around Vernon lots of riding country you would love the trails here. Nicki and Darryl we will not be home till about the 10 I think it is up to Gordon he is driving.We will not be leaving here till Sunday and then of to Calgary and then to Marsha's. It is already the 4 so I do not know if the 10 is accurate. But I would like to be home at least by the 15.Now that we are back in Canada I am gettting anxcious.Well everyone I will say goodbye for now and hope to see you soon.


Colleen Allan said...

Hello to you. The horse and cattle pictures are the best pictures you posted so far. (Only my opinion) ha,ha. Anyways enjoy everything you can because you don't know what's around the bend. Drive safely, talk to you later. Snow isn't gone yet.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Canada. Looking forward to seeing you. I am sure you have alot of stories to tell, about how you spent this winter. Nothing new here. Weather is suppposed to improve this week. Say "HI" to Marsha for me.

See you soon
Bonnie R

Todd said...

Hello, Passports Please

Gord Happy B-day,glad you are on your way back. Take your time in Edmonton with Marsha

All the best