Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jane and I would like to wish all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

All the best, Angie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi gordie janie

the weather here is rotten, wish we could join you. All is well, waiting for Spring, isn't that terrible wishing ones

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, Great to talk to you last night. I hope you got away okay this morning as you said that it was raining there in Fargo and the roads where slick. I will catch up with you again tonight or tomorrow.
Luv Marsh

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year from the Allans. Miss you already. Beautiful weather for New Years and a gorgeous day today. Bill,Kaitlin & Steph went skating today.I stayed home and kept my knee up. This knee hurt the day of the surgery but hasn't been too bad since. Lorraine says to say hi to you and be careful. I also say be careful and have fun. talk to you later, Colleen

Anonymous said...

Hi guys happy new year love darryl nicloe