Friday, January 2, 2009

Rick and Gord 2am New Years Day morning
Our News Years Day breakfast
Rick and Deana at the party
Jane and Deana before the party
Rick and Jane starting their own party

We have arrived in Brownsville,Texas and are having drinks and supper, and talking to Brad and Heather on Skype, now at a balmyn 79F, we are in our shorts and sweating. Can you believe this and we have been driving with the windows open for three days, unfriginbelieviable. Get the hell out of the frozen country. Comondown now!!!!!!!
These are a few pictures from our new years with Richard and Diane.We spent our New Years at McAallen Texas about 30 miles from Brownsville.
We are now in Brownsville doing the insurance and last shopping before we head down to Mexico.
Tomorrow we are going to cross the border into Mexico. I think our first stop will be at Ciudad Victoria Mexico.
I hope the border crossing goes well they say it can or cannot be smooth I will let you know.So far things are going well ,the weather is beautiful and we are now in our summer cloths.
Sorry for not being in touch, We are having a great time,once we enter Mexico I hope that we can find an internet connection to let you guys know where we are,if not ,keep checking we will try to get internet where ever we stop. Gordon and I would like to wish you all a very Happy new Year.
Take care every one and for those of you that visit our blog thanks for looking in, and I hope you talk to us soon.
Jane and Gordon

1 comment:

Todd said...

Hi Gord & Jane

What a beautiful weekend we are having,19-15 cms of snow then =36,windchill-38.