Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hello everyone,hope all is well. We did a little day trip to Puerto Aventuras. here are a few pictures of the dolphins they are beautiful. And so graceful and with there trainers they look so gentle. Then we walked around the marina. The boats there are many touring vessels,,, for fisherman and also for the owners of some of the beautiful condos along the shore.
We also stayed for a sunset dinner across from the dolphins it was entertaining as they played in the water.The area had a lot of shops for some very unique had made jewlery and cloths and flip flops.
Later on after dinner we walked around and stopped at a little bar with some entertainment and had a couple of drinks. It was a beautiful warm evening.
The next day we had a little day trip to Playa del Carmen we walked along there boardwalk and enjoyed all the entertainment in the restaurants along the way.It is really prettty in the evening when they have all the there lights on.
Well I will let you go for now take care every one.
Hello to all
Jane and Gordon
P.S.The last picture I forgot to tell you is a swarm of bees that came in yesturday in this huge black cloud and landed across from the Bus in a palm tree this picture is what it looks like incredible.This is something we will probably not ever see again.


Anonymous said...

Hello All, it sounds like you guys are having a wonderful time. I am very jeolous. We are finally having somewhat warm weather here. Gord, Ron wants to know what Vi's phone number is. We want to give her a call and take a ride down to see her. All is well here, as usual busy with work. We could hardly wait til summer and beach time. The family sends their love and give the puppies a kiss and hug from us. Talk soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello to all. The pictures are beautiful. the water looks so blue and clean. You both look stress free and happy. Enjoy each and every little thing each day all day and then tell me everything about it. Life is busy and good back here. Diane's colt is growing and the mane is quite long for a baby. Haven't just the right horse yet, still looking though. I still say they are the best doctors out. Tammy and Carmel are getting too use to me being at home. A couple more weeks of physo then back to work. Yeh!!!I can't believe its the end of the month. This month has gone by extremely fast, yes? I help out in hospitality at Springs now, what a blast. Because of being off work I was at the church yesterday afternoon helping out. If I could get a job doing that I would. I love it. Who knows, maybe one day.I'm going to a hospitality night training tonight at Springs at 7:00, so I better finish up around the house and get going. Take care, be careful and I'll talk to you again later, bye for now, love Colleen