Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico

Hello everyone hope all is well, the weather is a little better for you. Here are a few pictures one is of us resting after a hard day.
The picture with Deanna and myself she purchased some wooden lounge chairs and we are putting them together.
The picture with Deanna Richard and there daughter Nadeen they are cleaning up one of the palms in there back yard of the Palapa they bought.
The picture of the trees is what we see out the front window where we are parked it is really beautiful.
We were very busy today and now we are going to get together and make supper a barbecue.
Colleen nice to hear from you say hello to shelley and your mother for me. How did your surgery go? Are you back at work yet.Say hello to Bill and Kaitlen for me.Take Care
Bonnie how are you happy birthday I did not forget sorry I am late. How are you hope all is well.
Angie K how are you, if you want to send me an e-mail I will get it I have already talked to Julie.
Nina and Ron and Daughters, how are you hope all is well.
Really nice talking to you Brad say hello to Heather.
Darryl and Nicki how are you as well you take care.
Well I will letyou go for now and I will talk to every one soon.
Gordon says hello to all and wish you were here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Jane, Gord, Bear & Gucci,
Those pictures look beautiful and like fun. Even work down there doesn't sound or look like work up here. I went to physio yesterday for both knees, and the left one which I just had done is hurting today. The sleeting rain doesn't help it too much. I am still off work for 2 more weeks. I'll be going to physio every 2 days and if that doesn't help my right knee I'll be going for surgery again for the right knee. I have to wait and see. It seems weird not having a horse to help me through this. People are ok but animals know more about hurt and how to heal.anyways the dogs look happy. Is it really hot for bear? how is he doing?Gucci probably loves the sun and sleeping in it, right? Our dogs miss the horses too. Bill is at an union meeting tonight, Kaitlin and Rachel are making valentine cards for their boyfriends and I'm going to Canadian Tire for my walking exercise. Beats walking in the freezing rain. Sure miss you but I'm glad you all are ok and enjoying life. way to go. In 7 years time I can retire too. Yah hoo. take care, love Colleen