Sunday, February 1, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 85F @ 11:30 pm

Hello everyone it is me again.I hope all is well it is 11:30 in the evening and a few of us got together to watch the superbowl Game. All the guys watched it in Richards bus and all us girls watched chick flicks in my bus. It was a nice day.
Here are a few of the pictures on our progress as the Palapa starts to take a little shape, the foundation for the floor is almost complete. They will finish it this week I think,then we will be putting a stain on all the wood that will be exposed to the Gulfs sea air.
I also took a couple of pictures of a finished front of a Palapa and a almost finished one. And a picture of the mexican boys doing the work.
The finished ones have a beautiful veiw do they not. When we go to the Palapa in the evenings it is so relaxing to hear the waves hit the shore. And to gaze at the stars it is really nice.
Well it is getting late so I will say goodbye for now and you have a great day and we will talk to you soon.Send me an email and I will get back to you if you like.
Take care everyone
Jane and Gordon


Anonymous said...

Hello all, thanks for the e-mail. I have to ask you what are or is on the roof, what's it mad of. It looks like tree leaves. Are there any hurricanes or tornadoes down there? The work is coming along quite well, yes? It sure looks nice and the waves slapping the shore is one of the nicest things to hear.I miss you all, give Bear a big hug from me, also give Guicci a hug from me too, don't want her getting jealous now.
Talk to you later, take care, Love Colleen

Anonymous said...

Hi guys see you're having a great trip. We were wondering if your Email is up and running Gord we tried to send you a picture of our dogs, did you get it? Don't forget to send us pictures of the dogs. Make sure to celebrate Guicci's Birthday. Love Darryl and Nicole and the dogs

Anonymous said...

Hello Jane and Gord,

Lana Banana here!!! Wow, your pictures are amazing. I am so happy for you guys. Looks like you are having the time of your life. I just got back from Puerto Vallarta on Sunday morning. I was there for 1 week with Angie, Corie and another friend Bob. We did the same old things, but of course had a blast doing them. Gotta love Mexico!!!! Glad to hear you are all doing well, even the dogs:-) Take Care and we'll talk soon.