Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 75F @ 6:-00pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello to you all, How is it going?
What are those things on the rock,ramp? Let me know. Its beautiful here today, melting whatever, you never know what the day is going to be? At least the school kids can be outside today. Bill has a union meeting after work today and I have physio in 15 min but I just wanted to say hi. I guess its hard to read or answer you emails being in such a nice place. You probably don't want to be reminded of us back here in lovely Manitoba.Ha Ha Ha Well let me tell you it gives me something to look forward to when you have to work and can't get away, yes.So keep posting pictures and writing its appreciated. take care, talk to you later, bye Colleen