Monday, January 18, 2010


Hello everyone I hope all is well at home. We had a real nice trip threw the mountains and dry lake beds the plant life is beautiful. The picture of the bus below is where we are just leaving El Rosario and our our way to Catavino. We stayed overnight in the campground at Catavino that is where we took our main page picture in front, of the hotel as we were leaving the next morning.The next pictures are of the landscapes we see as we drive to our next destinationGuerrero Negro we stayed overnight here did a little site seeing and then went to dinner,at the hotel resteraunt.Today is the 19 and we are heading for the sea of Cortez. all the way across the Baja to the other side. We are are well and enjoying the landscapes hope all is well. Take care every one Love to all Jane.
...Pat says hi to all my friends in Vernon. This RV'n is pretty nice! Thx JonnLynn for taking care and watering. Nice to hear the grass is green there too!Hi to Bill Diane ALC /Rob Mar Love to all! Greg's good, Bailli's good and all is well.

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