Friday, January 22, 2010

LORETO, MX. 80F. @10:25 AM MST

LAST NITES DINNER $60 PESOS MARGUARITAS TOO EXSPENSIVE Hello everyone it is a warm day today, we are staying in Loreto,here are a few pictures of our day. We did a little eating a little shopping and a little R and R. I hope all is well with everyone, today is the 21 and we are on our way to our to our next destination. We are suppose to encounter some very large mountain terain from what some of the people we have met here have said. So I hope I can get some nice pictures for you threw the front windsheild of the Rig.I will let you go for now and everyone take care and we will talk soon. Have a great dayand take care.
From all of us to you Goodbye for now

Gordon Jane Pat Gregg and of course Guggi and Bailey


1 comment:

southern gypsy said...

Hola !

Love the picture of the signs, usually I don't get top billing, maybe will frame this one ...

thanks, Cindy