Sunday, February 28, 2010


Hello everyone hope all is well.We are on our way to day from Acapulco to our next destination. We are leaving our new friends here they are staying for another few days and they are heading north. We are still heading south. We were here for four days and we had a great time it has been very hot here. We got to see the cliff divers we visited the famous Casablanca hotel and the famous Flamingo hotel.
We walked there beautiful beaches and saw the beautiful sunsets. Now we will head south to see what is in store for our next stop. I hope all is well with everyone. We will say goodbye to all the people we have met here,and partied with and get back on the road. Take care everyone and a belated happy birthday to Bonnie my good friend I am sorry I missed it. Love to all Jane Gordon And Gucci

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane and Gord
it's Guy Lafleur
where is your next destination?
Are you heading anywhere near Huatulco?
Monique and I are probably heading there on March 12
maybe we can link up