Monday, March 15, 2010


Hello everyone I hope all is well. Saturday we went to a Mexican Circus It was fantastic. The pictures are of the different acts as the show went on. I know they will be hard to see but I just wanted you to have a little look. The tent was like the ones you see in the old picture shows. a ring an announcer and the acts one at a time from the tigers to the camels and to the high wire acts we had the best time. It was like being back in time.We will not forget it ,well the Internet is giving us a little grief to day so I will say goodbye for now and hope you have a great day.
Love Gordon,Jane and Gucci


Anonymous said...

Hi Gord and Jane. Great pics of your adventures! Memories for a lifetime I am sure. Maybe we all need a little 'going back in time' once in awhile;-)


southern gypsy said...

Happy St Patty's Day Gordon Patrick !!! and Jane and Gucci as well. (Birthday??)
So glad you made the trek across Mexico safely, your pics are magnificent and your commentary interesting, but we are much relieved you are at your destination.
The circus is amazing, who knew there still are such shows?
Again, thanks for bringing us along on your adventure, and continued safe travels.
Hope to see you in the spring if not before, keep in touch so we know where you are