Thursday, February 21, 2008

Brownsville, Tx......82F....10:45PM....

We spent the day in Brownsville Texas and Matamoros Mexico the border town. Tomorrow we will be back in Mercedes, Tx.

.................................Our cab driver Hosea or Hoseb I'm not sure!


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, Finally got some nice weather, don't be afraid, you can come back home now. Darryl would like you to give Gucci and Bear some of his diet cookies.We've been walking the dogs again great to have nice weather.Talk to you soon. love Darryl,Nicole Wrinkles and Teaka!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,LOVE the videos, its good to hear your voices. It looks like you guys are having a blast. Little update - last week I was off work sick all week (kidney infection-bad one). I am finally able to move around and not run out out breath quickly. On the mend. Ron has left for Porta V (Mexico) on Friday. He will be there for two weeks. Weather is wonderful here, as Nicole said you guys can come back now. Miss the ice cream trips. Talk soon. Love you guys. Ron, Nina, Katrina and Kayla

Anonymous said...

Greg and Pat say...haven't spoken to you in a few days. Get this ... Spring is here in the Okanagan and here I am off to freezing Wpg to fix a drip! I don't believe anyone who says it has warmed up there!! I leave on the 27th Feb and back on the 7th Mar. I'm using up air miles. Talk soon and don't leave Vernon without me.

Todd said...

Hi Gord & Jane

Weather is nice and cold -2 to -25 it varies to much,Love the photos,
hope you mark your spots for next year ,All THE BEST!!

Hi Everyone on the Blog

PH10 Todd