Friday, February 8, 2008

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.....58F...8:30am est

Our mourning view out the front window......


Anonymous said...

Hi Gord and Jane, How's everything, Just thought we'd remind you that it's Valentines Day next week don't forget to get Gucci her gift, and Jane, Gord! Can you Email us nice weather,tired of this stuff. Our forcaste for today is blowing snow and 0 visibilty. Love Darryl and Nicky,Wrinkles and Teaka.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane and Gord, we finally got water today (3 days without). It looks like you guys are having a great time and travelling EVERYWHERE. Gord, as you said in your video, wish you guys were HERE, he he he!!!. The beaches are just amazing. It seems so long since we get a chance to be on the beach. Talk soon. Love Ron, Nina, Katrina and Kayla

Anonymous said...


julie said...

Hey Gord and Jane;

If I have to see another beautiful beach picture again, I am going to kill somebody! You guys are seriously starting to piss me off. Just kidding, you know I love you guys and am very happy for you. Rob and I are going to be in Cabo San Lucas starting February 23rd. Maybe you should meet us there! We decided we had to get away from the asshole of Canada for a little while anyways. Today we have a -40 windchill, so I am just a little envious of your beach pics. Have a great day and kisses to the doggies....Love Julie,Rob,Kara,Bailee,Utah,Meeka and Otis

Colleen Allan said...

Sat. Oh what a lovely calming view to see when you wake up. Of course anything by the water is nice. Do you see any crocs etc. in any of the swampy areas or have you been in any swamp areas so far? The salt beaches you've been to so far house no crocs, maybe something else? Wind is a little wild and freezing (-50) today but hey, its winter in Manitoba, you can't or shouldn't expect anything else. I don't mind it as long as I'm not stuck in the snow. The horses eyelashes are long and white and they are full of energy. Tammy and carmel are out at the horses with me everyday. We are hardy Winnipegers. Lorraine finds this cold hard to deal with. Sucks her energy out faster. Her pup is almost as big as Shyane. Got to go, Colleen