Monday, February 11, 2008

Tallahassee, Fla. 47F....8:30am est

  • We are back in Tallahassee, try and spell that, and headed to Panama City later. Yesterday morning we heard the Geese flying overhead back to the north, I warned them about the -50, but they didn't seem to care. Yes they will find out! We are going back down south on the Gulf of Mexico and back to the ocean.South carolina was beautiful with all there golf courses and resorts, and Savannah was very historic but the weather just is not as warm,for me that is, I am really getting spoiled by the warm weather. Guy and Monique I know you will enjoy the warmer weather after being in the deep freeze, I can not remember it being so cold for so long in Winnipeg, mostly a 2 week spell and that is it, enjoy your holiday. Colleen I am glad it is warming up it is hard to enjoy the company of our animal friends in the winter when it gets that cold. You know I used to spend hours at the barn with the horses and dogs and do not for get Princess my kitty.It could get down to -20 and it was not bad. I do miss it,it was something I really enjoyed. Say hello to Lorraine for me and take care.Well we need to get on the road so I will say goodbye for now take care every one, keep well. Gordon says hello to everyone keep those comments coming we really enjoy keeping in touch. Darryl and Nicki the dogs are sure enjoying being outside and getting all these walks and P.S. wish you could be here to enjoy the warmth. Jane


Anonymous said...

Good morning guys, we are back into the cold weather again, -42 with the windchill this morning. WE HAVE WATER. It was the pump that died in the well. After last week Ron is really looking forward to his Mexico trip now. He is just wiped. These next two weeks he need to catch up on all his other work that he was not able to do last week. The girls are well. Oh ya, with the well out last week, Katrina's car wasn't working either (crazy week I tell you). Thank you soooo much for the postcards. They are fabulous. Wishing you guys were here. Miss the Saturday Dinner and a Movie nights. Got to go. Talk soon. Love yous:o) Ron, Nina, Katrina and Kayla

Anonymous said...