Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hello everyone it has been a while,giving you an update on where the pictures Gordon has been uploading are from and what we have been doing. Each day goes by so quickly it is getting hard to keep up with all the people we have met. And all the things we have been doing along our travels. We have seen some pretty incredible beaches and we have met actually a lot of people from Winnipeg ,and now we are in Acapulco and we had a couple from Elie Manitoba follow us here to Acapulco.They were parked bside us in Ixtapa.We are staying in a real nice Park and again we have been lucky enough to get a view of the ocean.We will be giving you some pictures in the morning and I will try to play catch up with the other blogs as well. Have a great evening every one and I hope all is well.
Jane Gordon, and Gucci.

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