Sunday, February 14, 2010


Hi everyone we are leaving the city of Puerto Vallarta today. It is 7 am and another beautiful day. I hope all is well. The pictures are of the R.V. park we stayed at and Gordon got a swim. We celebrated Gucci's birthday at the Valintines Day party at the R.V. park the music was great. We took Gucci and sat at the pool. Most of the people at the park were from Quebec and they did not speak a lot of English.I took some pictures as we drove around walked on the beach. And Nicky we had lunch at the hotel we stayed at when we were there. Well I should let you go for now and thanks to all of you that have sent us comments back it is really good to hear from you. We are on our way to Mazanillo along the coast. Take care every one.
Love Jane ,Gordon Gucci

1 comment:

southern gypsy said...

Hi Gord and Jane and Gucci,

So glad you are still happy and safe and travelin' .... sorry to read about the trouble with Greg, but thats a lot of "together" time, you all were brave to attempt it! Your pics are fantastic as usual. You know - we were in Mazatlan the same day, you took a pic of our ship "Radiance", parked beside a Carnival Ship, too bad we didn't run into you, that would have been fun. Our pics are very similar to yours, the beaches along the coast are beautiful! And the weather ... Hope you are well, talk to you soon, love, Cindy and Dick