Friday, February 12, 2010


Hello everyone hope all is well with you all. We have been here in this park three days. It is right on the ocean we are 1 hour from Puerto V
allarta. We are leaving tomorrow morning we will spend a coupe of days there.The pictures below are of the beach and a few of the hotels on the beach.We also walked to a huge Flea market where they sold all the goods it was pretty interesting. We put a pair of sunglasses on Gucci and I got a necklace for her. Everyone wanted to take her picture and the kids loved her. We had a great time ,this last evening here all the people in the park are going to dinner we are joining them we have met some really nice people from all over the country. All of them here spend the winter we are the only ones travelling. We are having fun, and enjoying the country,well I will let you go for now and our next stop is Puerto Vallarta.Take care everyone
Love Jane ,Gordon and Gucci

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