Thursday, January 31, 2008

Melbourne Beach, Fl.....76F.....10am est.

We spent the night at a roadside park along the beach again in Melbourne Beach where I bought the RV. The beach is beautiful along with the sounds of the crashing waves, and the pristine sun as we went for our morning walk with the dogs. Todd we sure don't miss the -43, jump on a plane and meet us in Orlando, as we are 80 miles from DisneyWorld our next destination....Alex is on Skype I will add more later...Here are some pics......

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Port St. Lucie, Fla.....78F....11AM est.

Our apologies to all we have not been able to get Internet while we have been staying on the beaches, but we are still alive and sweating, it's to hot here. I can't believe I said that. I met a couple of girl friends from the old country as you will see in the video and she wants us to drive to Latvia to visit them. She is giving me her name, address, and phone number. We are bringing home a Palm Tree and a couple of Flamingo's

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Key West 7:07am Sunday Sun Rise....74F

Good Morning to all! For those of you who cannot be here to see the sunrise here it is. This is the only place we have been where you can see the sunrise and sunset on the same beach and on the same day. Darryl, as you have requested, more Gucci.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Key West Fla.....Friday Evening....85F Pee..Peed!

We met a couple from Birmingham England Jan and Dan, great people.....more to come later!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Key West Fla.....

We left Miami and arrived in Key West Sugarloaf KOA (kampgrounds of America) 85F at 1pm. We are set up and spending two nights here. Sugarloaf is the closest RV Park to Key West and about ten miles away, so we called Enterprise and they brought us a Pontiac Grand Prix. We have been downtown and at the port where we watched a cruise ship leave port and the sun set over the Gulf of Mexico, heavenly!!! While we were waiting for the sun to set, we had a few drinks and snacks. There is a Sailboat Regatta this week and all of them were coming in at sunset as well.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Marco pics

Good Morning to all and Murray too! This morning we woke up to the chirping of the birds in the campground on Marco Island only to see an alligator, Gucci’s buddy…..We will leave here around noon for Miami and on to Key West on Thursday and we have booked Sugarloaf KOA for Thursday, Friday and Saturday and then back up the east coast.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Naples, Fla.....86F and lovin pics

Today we are in Marco Island just south of Naples in an KOA campground wtih 285 sites, lovely swimming pool, and a laundry room for womens work. We have had a swim and Jane has finished her work for now. I am now going to start the Bar-B-Q before we walk the dogs and cook some ribs.....Tomorrow we are headed just south of Miami before we move on to the keys. Call us ib Skype! L@@K Jane's in the water again

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sanibel Island 86F and burnt....

We made it! We went, to which turns out to be, the only RV Park on Sanibel Island. It is on Periwinkle Way, I don’t know where they get these names from, maybe Ed or John. The park is in the middle of the island with no beach. The good thing was that they are booked till April. We found this spot right on the beach for free! You couldn't buy a site like this, so we may book it for another night unless someone chases us away. Our own private beach house! We woke up this morning with the musical sounds of waves breaking on the white sugar sand, the aroma of the Gulf of Mexico, and the gleaming sunshine at sunrise shining through the windows, I’m driving you crazy, right? The dogs are running up and down the beach getting and education on oysters, hermit crabs, and star fish. It’s only 63F and on it’s way to 76F. All is well and we are having a great time.
Our pictures will show you the incredible site to see when we got up in this morning.
Well we will say good bye for now as we are going for another walk on the beach before we head out to see more sites of Sanibel. Julie it is beautiful here as you said it was, every one have a heavenly day, miss you all.
We are now in Fort Myers for the night, yes you guessed it we got chased away, and in the morning off to Naples......
We are having an extremely difficult time uploading pictures.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Siesta Beach, pics

This morning we are on Siesta Beach, just south of Sarasota, Fl. We survived the thunderstorms and the tornado watch. The wind was rockkin the coach all night; well maybe I rocked it a little too. This morning we woke up to a sunny 51F and walked the dogs on the beach for 1.5 hours until someone told us that there is a big fine for having dogs on the beach. I believe we are now ready to move on to Sanibel Island where we have been trying to go for three days and its only about 80 miles away. We talk to my sister in Vernon, BC, Alex in Mercedes, TX, and Jane’s sister in Edmonton, AB, every day on Skype so everyone go to and download Skype free and call us, you will need a microphone to talk and a camera so we can see you, but you will be able to see us with out a camera. A camera with a built in mic is around C$40. at Wal-marts, Future Shop, or Best Buy. Jane says Hi to all!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Venice Beach on pics

This morning we are in Venice Beach, Fl. We stayed at a Holiday Inn parking lot and now we are heading for Sanibel Island. The weather this morning Nicky is just heavenly, 75F no bugs, no snow, no wind and you can freeze your ass off even in a bikini Julie. I hope everyone reads yesterdays comments because Nicky that’s not the first time Darryl has come home with someone else’s shoes. He didn’t tell you about the time Doug came home with no shoes and he had some squaw’s shoes, ask him about that? Colleen it only rained the one day and it’s been hot since. The roads are beautiful, even the gravel roads are not like Manitoba highways. Oh I see you went by Salisbury House if it’s a little nippy oh well a least Bill will have a place to hang his hat! They are hard to find but she has one spoon already. Julie about that plump voluptuous ass again………Yikkkkes…. you drive me crazzzzzzzy baby!!!!!!

Tonight we are in Siesta Beach unbelievable long white sand beach with 2 dolphins and was 85F and now thunder storm and 75F but still beautiful and spending the night on the beach with a tornado watch!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Dunedin, Fla. click pics

We made it Dunedin RV resort last night with a temperature of 75F, in Dunedin Florida, about 25 miles north of Clearwater Florida, right on the gulf again. It is just beautiful here as you can see by the pictures. We just had lunch (more shrimp) at Bon Appetit café and marina. We are now moving back to Clearwater and then on to Sarasota. Alex wanted more pictures, there it is one more bud.....Hi to all we are haveing a great time...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Chiefland, on pics

Good day to all, yesterday we had our first rain, and today sunny and warm 70F at 8:30am. We are now in Cheifland between Tallahassi and Clearwater to where we are going this morning. We hope to spend a few days around the Tampa, Clearwater area. Opps that picture is from Sioux Falls. Jane's wiper shot wins the award this morning!!! By the way that wiper is moving......

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Panama City Florida on pictures

Tonight we are in Panama City, Florida walking through the white snow, oops I mean sand and spending money….We have now settled down for the evening it is now 10 o’clock it has been a busy day. As we head further south it gets a little warmer. Bonnie thanks for the comments it was nice to hear from you. Hope all is well with you and Eric please Say hello to Eric and everyone from us. Colleen it was funny to see Gucci with a face full of sand. Bear is doing well he has not ripped any more screens lately. Well tomorrow we will try and make Tallahassee. Gordon says hello to all as do I.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Pensacola, on pictures

Tonight we are in Pensacola, Florida. Gucci was running down the beach and started plowing sand with her nose and then grabbed a big mouthfull of sand thinking she was in Winnipeg in the snow. Today it was omly 76, just nice..........

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Tonight we are in Biloxi, Mississippi at the Treasure Bay Casino, right on the sands of the Gulf of Mexico eating shrimp again……We drove down US90 along the coast 26 miles of white sand beach on one side and Katrina blown away homes and businesses on the other side. They are just starting to get there lives back together. The casino parking lot we are staying in used to just be a Hotel when it was damaged by the storm. The security guard was telling us that Mississippi law did not allow casinos on land so the casino was in a huge ship on the beach in front of the this hotel and it was destroyed. So now they have changed there laws here so the state can get revenue from the casino. This will help the recovery of the area. We are heading down I 90 tomorrow and see where we find another spot to set our wheels. Take care every one keep those comments coming.
Jane and Gordon

Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Oeleans Louisiana

Hello every one arrived in New Orleans found a place to park in a beautiful Casino on the Gulf of Mexico, as you will see in the pictures. We went in to sign up at the Casino and for signing up Gordon got 10 dollars to play with and I got 75 dollars for signing up. We played with the card money that they gave us and I won 96.50 and Gordon won 4.95. We left with 101.00 dollars and change. Had a little fun, and then went for a bite to eat and took the puppies for a walk. It was a beautiful evening. How is every one? Gordon says hello to all and we hope every one is well. Colleen, time is going fast to me but not to Gordon. I am glad the weather is nice and not to cold for you and the horses, miss you as well.