Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year to All...........

Happy New Year to all! We arrived in Mercedes Texas at 2PM Monday and we are staying at the La Flouresta Golf and Country Club. It was only 86 degrees without a cloud in the sky. We are staying here a week before we are off to New Orleans. We now have internet access so call us on Skype. I have configured Skype to answer even if we are not here so you can see something anyway. The party started as soon as we arrived so the words I was typing yesterday were in Spanish. I am a little more coherent this morning. Bear was happy last night they had fireworks from 7PM to 4AM and Gucci now has wild turkeys and huge white peacocks running wild, she doesn’t need the fan anymore,
All is well with Jane and I, but John and Sonya had transmission trouble in Omaha and had to buy and new van. Jane and I hooked up with them in Oklahoma City and we drove together and had a great time. Gee what a blabber mouth that’s enough for now, we are on our way to a Champagne Brunch at the clubhouse. Brad do you like golf ?????


Todd said...

Happy New Year

Hope all is well,WIN THE LOTTERY

I want to RETIRE TOO!

PH 10 Todd

Colleen Allan said...

Happy New year to you all down there.
We had a great new years eve and a great new years day. slept most of it then went to Lorraines. The dogs loved it outside, no fireworks, just last night and they barked their heads off. Poor bear. He must have been scared to pieces. So glad you had a good safe trip down, take care talk to you later. By from Bill,colleen,kaitlin, tammy,carmel,and barley.

Colleen Allan said...

Happy New year to you all down there.
We had a great new years eve and a great new years day. slept most of it then went to Lorraines. The dogs loved it outside, no fireworks, just last night and they barked their heads off. Poor bear. He must have been scared to pieces. So glad you had a good safe trip down, take care talk to you later. By from Bill,colleen,kaitlin, tammy,carmel,and barley.dvigngsr