Friday, January 11, 2008

It's only 49 degrees this Morning...Yikes!

We are in Beaumont, Tx. this morning and we are getting climatized, its cool. Leaving shortly for New Orleans for the weekend where it's warmer....more to come later...Jane says hit to all again.

1 comment:

Colleen Allan said...

Come on you two, don't be wimps, your Manitobans. 49 degrees is t shirt weather. Nice here snow falling lightly. Lorraine and I left the horses out all week because it was so nice. Got to take advantage of it. How are the dogs, I miss them. Well I miss you too but you know what I mean. Is the time going fast or what? It is already the middle of the month. For me I can hardly wait until your back. got to run - that hasn't changed but you take it easy and enjoy. Later Colleen