Friday, January 30, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 85F @ 1:30 pm

Hello everyone hope all is well with you. We are still keeping very busy here. I can not beleive the tan I am getting I have never been this dark and neither has Gordon. Here are a few pictures of the resort,the pool area overlooking the Gulf and a couple of the restaurant and beach area. And of course 1 of me Gordon likes to take overlooking the Gulf also.
We are going to a dinner and dance tonight at the restaurant they have a dj play and also they have Kereoke for those who would like to sing.
They have these dinner every 2nd Friday. Thursdays is there movie night I finally got to see MaMa Mia I loved it it was a lot of fun they even have a popcorn maker and the theatre is an open air buiding. I went with Richards daughter because no one esle wanted to go.
Well I should let you go for now and you all take care.
Jane and Gordon
P.S. Gordons wantsto say hello as well.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hello everyone,hope all is well. We did a little day trip to Puerto Aventuras. here are a few pictures of the dolphins they are beautiful. And so graceful and with there trainers they look so gentle. Then we walked around the marina. The boats there are many touring vessels,,, for fisherman and also for the owners of some of the beautiful condos along the shore.
We also stayed for a sunset dinner across from the dolphins it was entertaining as they played in the water.The area had a lot of shops for some very unique had made jewlery and cloths and flip flops.
Later on after dinner we walked around and stopped at a little bar with some entertainment and had a couple of drinks. It was a beautiful warm evening.
The next day we had a little day trip to Playa del Carmen we walked along there boardwalk and enjoyed all the entertainment in the restaurants along the way.It is really prettty in the evening when they have all the there lights on.
Well I will let you go for now take care every one.
Hello to all
Jane and Gordon
P.S.The last picture I forgot to tell you is a swarm of bees that came in yesturday in this huge black cloud and landed across from the Bus in a palm tree this picture is what it looks like incredible.This is something we will probably not ever see again.

Paa Mul, Mexico 69F @ 8am


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico

Hello everyone hope all is well, the weather is a little better for you. Here are a few pictures one is of us resting after a hard day.
The picture with Deanna and myself she purchased some wooden lounge chairs and we are putting them together.
The picture with Deanna Richard and there daughter Nadeen they are cleaning up one of the palms in there back yard of the Palapa they bought.
The picture of the trees is what we see out the front window where we are parked it is really beautiful.
We were very busy today and now we are going to get together and make supper a barbecue.
Colleen nice to hear from you say hello to shelley and your mother for me. How did your surgery go? Are you back at work yet.Say hello to Bill and Kaitlen for me.Take Care
Bonnie how are you happy birthday I did not forget sorry I am late. How are you hope all is well.
Angie K how are you, if you want to send me an e-mail I will get it I have already talked to Julie.
Nina and Ron and Daughters, how are you hope all is well.
Really nice talking to you Brad say hello to Heather.
Darryl and Nicki how are you as well you take care.
Well I will letyou go for now and I will talk to every one soon.
Gordon says hello to all and wish you were here.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico

Hello everyone,hope all is well. Sorry for not keeping you up to date. We have been keeping very busy I just can not beleive how fast the time is going.
The pictures are some of the places we have been and the beaches we visit. And the transportation we are using. The beaches are beautiful and the sand is like white powder, the water is 3 shades of blue.
All is good and the dogs are having fun to just a little hot for them.The couple we have travelled with,have purchased this beautiful paplapa on the ocean, in the next few weeks he will be doing a little work on it and we will be helping him.
Gordon and I like to keep busy,we have also visited Playa Del Carmen a few times and Cancun.
We are 25 minutes from Playa and 55 miniutes from Cancun. We also have been a lot of sight seeing lots to do hear,we are up at 7 in the morning every day.
I hope all is well with every one and please send me some comments hope to hear from you. And I do have my e-mail if you want to send anything.Well i will let you go for now and keep well
Jane and Gordon
Thanks for looking in.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico

We have arrived at Paa Mul, Mexico about 20 minutes south of Playa Del Carman and parked in the RV park. The officito was closed on Saturday when we arrived so we were unable to get the internet until today. We started drinking to early and I was unable to type correctly, I think we oh kay now,,,We had a great trip and met lots of nice people. The mexicans are the best!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

We have arrived in Tuxpan, Mexico and staying on the waterfront tonight and will be on our way to Veracruz on the gulf in the morning, and staying two days there. Deana says it is beatiful there. pics to follow tomorrow

Friday, January 2, 2009

Rick and Gord 2am New Years Day morning
Our News Years Day breakfast
Rick and Deana at the party
Jane and Deana before the party
Rick and Jane starting their own party

We have arrived in Brownsville,Texas and are having drinks and supper, and talking to Brad and Heather on Skype, now at a balmyn 79F, we are in our shorts and sweating. Can you believe this and we have been driving with the windows open for three days, unfriginbelieviable. Get the hell out of the frozen country. Comondown now!!!!!!!
These are a few pictures from our new years with Richard and Diane.We spent our New Years at McAallen Texas about 30 miles from Brownsville.
We are now in Brownsville doing the insurance and last shopping before we head down to Mexico.
Tomorrow we are going to cross the border into Mexico. I think our first stop will be at Ciudad Victoria Mexico.
I hope the border crossing goes well they say it can or cannot be smooth I will let you know.So far things are going well ,the weather is beautiful and we are now in our summer cloths.
Sorry for not being in touch, We are having a great time,once we enter Mexico I hope that we can find an internet connection to let you guys know where we are,if not ,keep checking we will try to get internet where ever we stop. Gordon and I would like to wish you all a very Happy new Year.
Take care every one and for those of you that visit our blog thanks for looking in, and I hope you talk to us soon.
Jane and Gordon