Monday, February 23, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 71F @ 6:20pm

Hello everyone it has been a few days since our last publish.We have been travelling around to a few places to see the beautiful sights here. We visited a little town called Tulum and they have the oldest ruins right on the ocean. The beaches are incredible the sand is like white powder and so soft to walk on.
We walked around the town ,they had shops on both sides you can not beleive the things they have for sale. From cloths to hats ,jewlery,etc.Gordon always has fun talking to the people.
We all had lunch at one of the outside restaurants and then headed to the beach.All and all it was a real nice day,we walked along the beach for a long ways and enjoyed the sound of the waves.
Here are a few pictures of the progress of the Palapa things are really moving along.The walls are up the electrical is in the plumbing is in and the floor for the trailer is done and the bathroom where you see Rick on top is not done yet. The tile has been picked out for the bathroom and the tile for the floor.
Well thats about it for now Gordons says hello.And i would like to wish you all a great evening and thanks for looking in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the top picture of you and Gord! You guys look so young at heart;-)

Take Care,