Saturday, April 25, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dallas Tx. 8:30 PM 77░F

Dallas Cowboys New Stadium

Austin, Tx. 9:00 am 74░F

Here is your coffee Murray!
Wal-Mart Austin RV Resort!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

San Antonio, Tx 94░F @ 8:33

Hello everyone It is me again well we have not left Texas yet we just can not seem to get away from the warm weather we have been watching the weather in Winnipeg and Gordon dose not want to head away from this 90 degree weather. But we are coming home I think at least by the end of April.
Gordon has taken some pictures of the R.V. park that we stayed in for 1 evening it was really nice we went swimming and we did a little bit of sun tanning

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mercedes, Texas 76░F 9:30 PM

Thanks to Stan and MaryJane's comment we will now stay another couple of weeks, who needs that s%^*&!

We are still in Mercedes because the rain is in Winnipwg and cold! I only have one complaint here is that it is too hot. No sence winterizing the coach for a couple of weeks when we can stay where it is hot. See You Soon. Wish you were here!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Back in the USSA!!

Hello hope all is well, we are finally back in the U S. A few of the pictures are still in Paa Mul with our last time on the beach with the dogs.And our last evening with friends the night before we are to leave. I put a picture of us driving out the gate. Our first stop after we leave is a small restaurant bar they let us stay there for the night and we had supper on the water front the yard surrounding the restaurant had a lot of beautiful flowers and trees and animals . The birds were beautiful they had a lot of different things to do and see. And then we were on our way the next morning at 7. We will drive 500 k a day it took us 4 days we left on Monday the 13 and we arrived at the US border Friday afternoon,the 17. We found a RV park to stay in, for the evening it was a long drive there were lots of Military check points. They did not come aboard our bus but they did board Rick and Diana bus. All we had to do was say to Gucci look see who is there and she was on her hind legs barking her head off they just looked and,none of them would come aboard. they waved us on.I was really happy to have her along they do not like big dogs she saved us.So they did not take anything.
Well I will let you go for now and thanks for looking in see you in a week or so.
Jane and Gordon

Monday, April 6, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 89° F @ 9 :04 am

Good morning everyone, I hope all is well with you.All is good here.Starting to get the bus ready for leaving here next week. Gordon is checking everything and Rick also to make sure we are ready for the road.Yesterday was Palm Sunday and a lot of the Mexican family's were here in the park.They were down at the ocean having their infants baptized. This week the Mexican people only work till Wed, and then they celebrate the Easter holiday all over Mexico. They are of work till Monday.This park will have lots of visitors for the holiday.
My first picture is having coffee overlooking the ocean from the Palapa.
We had the stairs to the loft out side the Palapa while we were working on it and now the next picture shows John the neighbour Gordon and Rick putting them back in side. This makes a big difference on the view from before.
The next couple of picture are the workers putting up what they call Wanna grass which they use for the roofs they are adding some to the front of the Palapa.
It looks nice when it is done.
We are having Happy Hour which we do every day with the last of the friends we have met down here. Gordon is resting on the ledge having a drink enjoying the view,I am sitting taking a picture as I have a drink enjoying the view from the inside.
Here is a picture of little Axle,Gucci likes to play with him this is there neighbours puppy.He got bit by a scorpion 1 year trying to catch it but he was okay after a few shots.
The dogs are resting on the front steps the wind is cooling for them.
Rick and Diana are having a moment over looking the ocean. Here are a couple of pictures of the Park as you can see we are the only ones left with a few of the Palapa people that do stay here all year round.Also a picture of the restaurant and the hotel area. And last but not least I am on top where the loft is looking down it is spectacular. Well I should let you go for now and I wish every one a Happy Easter. And thanks for looking in miss you all.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico

Hello everyone all is well here just winding down on things to finish before we leave, which will be in about 9 days. I am looking forward to coming home it seems like forever since we left. A lot of you think this would be crazy but I guess I am getting a little home sick.
The pictures I have put on today...........I had to put a couple of pictures of my dogs they stay in the Bus most days beccause it is 95 degrees and it is to hot. We take them out later in the day.
Deana and I have been painting the poles with a stain and sealer.Gordon is doing the last connections of things in the Palapa. Richard is a long side the Palapa doing the last connections for the Propane lines and the water lines.The picture of the lady with the palm leaf is there neighbour Debra and the picture with me is her husband John and he has a snake he found climbing on 1 of his trees near the Palapa.I also took a picture of it on the tree it really is harmless unless you move to quick and then it might strike.
We went out for dinner and I had one of the waiters take a pictureof us,and the food was excellent.Gordon and I are sitting in front of another restaurant,bar doorway that took you down to a underground sinotay. These are under ground water streams that flow threw Mexico. The place was incredible.
I also gave you a shot of our temperature,and show you how hot it is getting hear around the afternoon it is getting a little to hot.
And my last veiw from the Palapa it is amazing every picture I take is different.The last few days hear have been very windy the salt air leaves a film on every thing even my new bike I bought last year is starting to rust.And you always feal damp from the ocean air. The only good thing girls your skin always feels so soft and supple. It never gets dry hear,but wait till I get home.
Every evening we have happy hour around 4 and head down to the water with our chairs and drinks and sit and listen to the waves. We also do that late in the evening after dinner at the Palapa sit and have a night cap listen to waves and then head for bed, the sound is very relaxing.One more thing the park hear is getting pretty quiet most of the people have headed for home on this R.V. strip where we are, there are only three of us left. And alot of the Palapa people have left also. I can see why because it only gets hotter as the months go on.Well I will let you go thanks for looking in take care everyone miss you.