Tuesday, April 21, 2009



horse colleen said...

Hello, where are you now? Its was beautiful today, no need for a coat. Water in Winnipeg is ok and around your house its ok but pretty wet out in the country South and North of us. This Sat. they say will only be 2 and thats kind of cool. As long as it doesn't rain or snow, we'll be fine. The golf course is suppose to be opening next week some time but thats up in the air. The farmers Almanac says we are going to have a cool, wet spring and so far thats whats been happening. so take your time coming home but not too long. by the end of the month it should be fine. Jane, I almost bought a horse in Pennsylvania a couple of days ago, If I could have driven down there to pick it up I would have. but can't get away from school. shucks....Talk to you later, Colleen

southern gypsy said...

Hi Jane and Gord,

We've very much enjoyed reading about your travels and seeing your awesome pictures. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all!
Glad you are home safe, you must be really enjoying this weather(lol). Dryden is cold and wet too, lets plan on a long, hot summer!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip, I'd like to see the pictures that you didn't publish. Must be a couple of racy ones somewhere...
Hope to talk to you soon, Cindy