Monday, April 6, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 89° F @ 9 :04 am

Good morning everyone, I hope all is well with you.All is good here.Starting to get the bus ready for leaving here next week. Gordon is checking everything and Rick also to make sure we are ready for the road.Yesterday was Palm Sunday and a lot of the Mexican family's were here in the park.They were down at the ocean having their infants baptized. This week the Mexican people only work till Wed, and then they celebrate the Easter holiday all over Mexico. They are of work till Monday.This park will have lots of visitors for the holiday.
My first picture is having coffee overlooking the ocean from the Palapa.
We had the stairs to the loft out side the Palapa while we were working on it and now the next picture shows John the neighbour Gordon and Rick putting them back in side. This makes a big difference on the view from before.
The next couple of picture are the workers putting up what they call Wanna grass which they use for the roofs they are adding some to the front of the Palapa.
It looks nice when it is done.
We are having Happy Hour which we do every day with the last of the friends we have met down here. Gordon is resting on the ledge having a drink enjoying the view,I am sitting taking a picture as I have a drink enjoying the view from the inside.
Here is a picture of little Axle,Gucci likes to play with him this is there neighbours puppy.He got bit by a scorpion 1 year trying to catch it but he was okay after a few shots.
The dogs are resting on the front steps the wind is cooling for them.
Rick and Diana are having a moment over looking the ocean. Here are a couple of pictures of the Park as you can see we are the only ones left with a few of the Palapa people that do stay here all year round.Also a picture of the restaurant and the hotel area. And last but not least I am on top where the loft is looking down it is spectacular. Well I should let you go for now and I wish every one a Happy Easter. And thanks for looking in miss you all.


Todd said...

Hi Gord & Jane,

Hope all is well,hey Gord have a Happy B-Day


horse colleen said...

Hello Gord and Jane,
I love those pictures of the ocean and sand. It looks so calming after the work is done, right. Gord you have a happy fun birthday tomorrow. Talk to you later, Colleen

Anonymous said...

happy birthday gord love all