Sunday, January 24, 2010


Hello it is just us again these will be our last pictures of La Paz.Tomorrow we are on our way Cobo with a short stop at Todos Santos to see the original Hotel California. We did a little trip today by car where the Ferry's cross over to the main land, so when we do the Cobo loop, if you look at the map we will end up back at La pPaz and we will probably take the Ferry across to the main land.It has been a great day and we had a nice dinner out so now we are relaxing back at the Coach.So I will wish you a good night and we will catch up in a couple of days.
Take care every one love from all of us,
Gordon,Jane,Pat, Gregg, Bail and Gucci.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're having a great time.Envy you all the sunshine as its been pretty cloudy here. Still no snow in town and very mild. The Olympic torch arrives tomorrow. The ice fort for the winter carnival is sitting in a field of green at Polson Park. Looks weird. We have Vernon friends who spend the winter camping somewhere between La Paz and Cabos.
Everything fine here.