Friday, January 22, 2010


Hello again just a little update on our trip today we are in Constitucion. We are hear over night and again we drove into town to see the sights. We are now settled in for the night, making some popcorn and watching a movie. Hear are a few pictures of our day and our dinner out in a little restaurent. So have a great evening everyone and we will try again to write our blog when we get to our next destination tomorrow in le Paz. Stay well everyone Love Pat Greg Gord Jane Bailli and Guggi.
Have a great evening

1 comment:

horse colleen said...

Hello everyone, Glad you are having a good time and weather is good. Looks like you had some rain at one point. We are having misting rain now and then snow is coming our way. You know the Colorado low. January has been so mild this year. A treat to drive on clear streets. You have had some pretty nice scenery shown in your blog. The people you have encountered are friendly, yes? It looks like you have had no problems parking the bus. The car is probably a big help this year. Lets you get around more, yes? The dogs look happy and content. Its not to hot for them yet.
Bill came down with a bad chest, cough cold yesterday, just out of the blue.He is feeling pretty rough. George is with us again for a little while. Kaitlin is fine, bought herself a second hand car, a standard no less. I can't drive a standard, Bill can. The pictures are great and the map was a great idea. Gives us an idea of where you are going and how far you have to travel. Well, take care, drive carefully and stay well. Love Bill,Colleen,Kaitlin,Tammy&Carmel.