Sunday, January 3, 2010


Hello everyone,I hope all is well with you.We have been travelling a couple of days threw Texas and we are now in El Paso. We are staying the night in Mission Park R.V. Park.
The weather has been really nice around 60 F, tomorrow we are planning to go to Tucon Arizona the country hear is dessert,lots of cactus and sandy soil.
We had dinner out at Famous Daves ribs is was very good,we are sitting hear this evening having a couple of beer and taking in some down time relaxing.
Here are a few pictures from Fort stockton Texas to El Paso Texas where we ars now.
A picture of the Sierra Mts., also a picture of Gordons sister and Husband with the dogs at a rest stop.And Gregg having a little snooze with there dog Bailey.
And a picture of the Mts. I also have a video so please click on the picture.Well I will let you go for now and I hope all is well, we all say hello to every one from Pat Gregg and Gordon,and myself.
Take care Jane

1 comment:

southern gypsy said...

Can't wait to see you guys, travel safe ... Happy New Year !!
Cindy and Dick